This organization shall be called the Project Management Institute, Upstate New York Chapter (hereinafter 'the Chapter'). This organization is a local chapter chartered by the Project Management Institute, Incorporated (hereinafter 'the PMI').
One of the Chapter’s principles is to give strong support to the purposes of the PMI. The PMI Bylaws takes precedence. If the Bylaws of the PMI is amended, applicable changes will be effective for the Chapter, and the membership of the Chapter will act to amend this Constitution accordingly. Should the Chapter be dissolved for any reason, its assets shall, after payment of all just debts, be turned over, without restrictions, to PMI. Additionally, the Chapter will act in conformity with all stipulations set forth in the document titled 'PMI Chapter Guidelines and Policy Handbook.'
The PMI Upstate New York Chapter will provide a forum to promote the principles of the PMI through networking with other project managers, sharing project experiences, providing and receiving training, and supporting Project Management leaders in their certification efforts.
The PMI Upstate New York Chapter will be recognized as a dynamic organization dedicated to serving the business, government, and educational communities of the Capital Region in New York State through the advancement of Project Management.
The objectives of the Chapter supplement the purposes of the PMI as set forth in the PMI Bylaws. The Chapter objectives are to:
- Advance the state-of-the-art in effective and appropriate application of the practice and science of project management.
- Promote the mission and objectives of the PMI within the Capital Region of New York State.
- Develop a growing and committed membership of local Project Management professionals.
- Support and enhance professionalism in Project Management by developing and providing quality programs based on the needs of the members.
- Encourage and facilitate education, certification/re-certification, and professionalism in Project Management.
- Provide a forum for discussion and examination of problems, solutions, applications, and ideas related to the management of projects.
- Foster communication between public and private sectors regarding project management.
- Disseminate, within the primary area of operation of the Chapter, information regarding developments in project management.
Membership in the Chapter shall be open to any person, interested in furthering the purposes of PMI and the Chapter, without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex, marital status, national origin, religion, physical or mental disability. Membership in the Chapter requires membership in the PMI.
The Chapter Board of Directors shall consist of elected Officers and the Immediate Past President as ex-official officer. The President of the Chapter shall act as Chairperson of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall be solely responsible for the management of the affairs of the Chapter. The roles and responsibilities shall be defined in the Chapter Bylaws.
Financial control shall be as set forth in the Chapter Bylaws. The Chapter shall set dues. Any changes in the chapter dues shall be sent to PMI by the designated due date.
Amendments to this Constitution may be made only by the PMI International Board of Directors. The Chapter may petition the PMI International Board of Directors to consider amendments approved by a minimum of a 51 percent vote of the Chapter Members in attendance at the annual business meeting or a special business meeting where there is a quorum.
The Board of Directors may appoint a panel of advisors to provide general advice and guidance on the programs undertaken by the Chapter. The panel shall have no legislative or managerial authority. The tenure of the advisory panel shall be limited to the same as that of the Board which appoints the panel.
No member of the Chapter shall receive any pecuniary gain or profit, incidental or otherwise, from its activities, except that the Chapter shall be authorized to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and make payments in furtherance of the purposes set forth in this Article. The Chapter shall not carry on any activity not permitted to be carried on by any federal, state, or national statute. No elected member of the Chapter Board of Directors shall enter into any contracts with the Chapter during their term of office.